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Sunday, December 25, 2016

Merry Christmas to All

My fur babies and I wish all of you a very Merry CHRISTmas! We hope you are able to share it and make lot of memories with you family, friends and dear loved ones.  I want to thank all of you for the lovely comments and messages you have left for me as well. I so appreciate all that Miriam shares, making my scrapping experience so much easier and more fun!  Hugs for all of you! Mat


Anonymous said...

Thank you for all you do. Happy Holidays to you.

Domi said...

Merci et bonnes fêtes à toi aussi
Bonne année pour 2017 joie, bonheur que de belles choses !
Gros bisous

Handmaiden Dotty said...

and a very late Merry Christmas to you too. Didn't realize you had that many cats. My daughter has 3 and she takes them in the van with her; 2 in carriers and one sits buckled into a pet "car seat" (has a strap that goes through her harness. Blessings, handmaiden dotty