Thank you for visiting my blog.
Everything is free and a nice comment or a "Thank you"
would be nice and very much appreciated.
My creations are for personal use only, unless otherwise stated.

Have fun.


Sunday, January 3, 2016

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year to all of you. 
We have laughed, cried, enjoyed and learned !
We will bring all the good things into 2016 and leave all the bad and sad stuff in 2015.
Thanks everyone for the nice e-mails, the e-cards (Corrine and Mattie) and the comments you
left on this blog the past year. I hope we can continue on the same level this year, maybe even
Have fun and enjoy your life.



Mary Tincher said...

Happy 2016 to you all as well!

Chris said...

Happy New Year to you and your team xx

Domi said...

Merci beaucoup !
Et une très bonne année à toi aussi, merci pour toutes ces belles images que tu nous offres ...

Mizaza said...

Une belle année créative vient de partir en nous ouvrant les portes de l'année 2016.
Merci pour toutes les jolies créas qui nous sont offertes gracieusement chaque jour.
et bonne on dit chez nous bonne année, bonne santé , 4
Paix, Joie, Bonheur .....

A beautiful creative years has just left us open the doors of 2016.
Thank you for all the lovely pancreas that are offered graciously every day.
and as we say good year, good health,
Peace, Joy, Happiness .....